Our ‘Modern’ polishing finish is an architectural favorite for its ability to showcase the craft of cast-in-place concrete. In this installation the surface is minimally honed and polished to maintain the look of a finished concrete slab.
- Unique color movement and texture from the concrete finishing processes. Various tones of brownish grays to charcoals dependent on concrete ingredients and finishing techniques, by placement contractor.
- A mostly smooth surface with areas of texture and finishing marks are an inherent part of this finished floor. If you like control of every aspect – this floor is not for you 😉
Steps to a successful – ‘Modern’ finish
- Hold a preconstruction meeting to confirm the finish between the concrete contractor and polished floor installer. NOTE: The final look is depending on both parties doing a good job.
- Cure the concrete with a water-based emulsion cure or wet curing type methods. NO acrylic cure and seals. See pour sheet in resources for full pouring guidelines.
- Protect the floor during the initial phases of construction from nicks, chips, and stains. The General Contractor can take various measures to protect this floor.
- Set client expectations via sample and visiting other job-sites – understanding each concrete floor may have unique coloring and finishing characteristics – Come to an understanding with the owner, general contractor and architect/designer.