Sealing your concrete floor is an important part of extending the lifetime of the floor. It increases durability, protects it from moisture and stains, and prevents discoloring, leaving your floors looking better for longer.
Sealed concrete also prevents your concrete floor from dusting. Dusting, also known as chalking, is where a thin layer of concrete dust settles on the surface of your hardened and cured concrete floors. This can be caused by the pouring or curing process, but, left untreated, can create large amounts of dust in your space.
What Are My Options for Sealed Concrete?
Dancer Concrete Design offers four sealed concrete systems using either topical or penetrating products. Topical sealers create a barrier over the floor. Penetrating sealers soak into the floor and harden the concrete over time.
TreadWell Clear+
TreadWell Clear+ is a light-duty flooring system designed for wet areas with stain and water resistance. It is an affordable hybrid sealing system that provides the look of polished concrete with the topical advantages of epoxies and urethanes.

StrongTread Saver
StrongTread Saver is an affordable sealed concrete system that uses penetrating sealers and stain guards to protect the finished floor and leave a long-lasting impression. This system provides a more durable finish than traditional acrylic concrete sealers, as the products we use penetrate the concrete and harden over time to make the floor abrasion resistant and easy to clean.

StrongTread Hardwear
StrongTread Hardwear sealing system incorporates the same penetrating products used in a fully polished concrete process. Fully penetrating concrete densification and stain guard products make this a good fit where abrasion resistance, easy cleaning, and a sealed concrete floor that hardens over time is required. This is a less intensive option for larger spaces and where affordability is of key importance.

StrongTread Cure
StrongTread Cure is a sealing system that incorporates premium concrete densifiers used during the concrete placement process. This is the most affordable concrete sealing system with better long-term durability than traditional acrylic curing compounds or concrete sealers. This system is popular in storage facilities and large manufacturing spaces.

Sealing your floor leaves a better-performing finished surface over bare concrete. Prevent dusting, discoloration, and damage by choosing one of our sealed concrete systems. With proper care and maintenance, your sealed floors will last you for years to come.
Ready to Get Started?
Request a Quote to get the ball rolling on your next sealed concrete project. Our Project Leaders are here for you to get BEST WORK for your floors.