Large floors are a hustle and bustle of activity. Two-way swing doors, human movement, a forklift or a power-walker, active manufacturing, item storage, etc—all of this can create a sense of unease and chaos. Confusion, or a lack of clarity, can disrupt the flow of larger spaces, slowing down necessary movement. It can also increase the risk of injuries. There is a quick and simple solution: Line Striping.

Line Striping
Placing markings on the floor is the easiest way to quickly get across how to safely move across the floor. Line striping is customizable to your needs. From the color of the lines, to the width, their location, if the lane is colored; to what products are used in your space to have the most impact and lasting results, as well as making sure they meet OSHA guidelines.

Line striping makes a lot of sense in commercial and industrial settings. Yellow caution lines in front of doors can remind people to not store things or stand in front of them. Markings in front of machinery can keep people a safe distance away from it while it is in use. Directional lines can help show people how to move throughout a space to ease congestion. Different lanes can be made for human traffic and light vehicle traffic; or for standing and walking. Appropriately marked, permanent passageways and aisles are specifically mentioned in OSHA standards
This type of floor marking can be useful in grocery stores, the back of house at restaurants, hospitals, factories, warehouses, stadiums, and anywhere where there are a lot of people with a lot of commotion.

Of course, there’s another application for line striping. Marking out the lines for games played on courts is necessary for competitive play. Regulation courts have specific rules for how the floors need to be marked. The general purpose of the line striping for games and for industrial applications is the same—to let people know how they can appropriately use the space they are in.

Interested to know more about how your floors could benefit from line striping? Get in touch with a Project Leader today to learn more about how line striping can remove confusion and increase FLOW in your space.